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Hair Loss Treatment Specialist

Pacific Medispa & Regenerative Medicine

IV Vitamin Therapy & Aesthetic Medical Spa located in Kahului, HI

Hair loss can knock your confidence and self-esteem, but with innovative therapies like platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy, hair restoration is within your grasp. In Kahului, Hawaii, the qualified aesthetic professionals of Pacific Medispa & Regenerative Medicine stay abreast of the latest tools and technology in the cosmetic sphere to give you the best possible results. PRP therapy is an exceptional hair restoration treatment that involves using concentrated platelets and growth factors from your own blood. Discover this convenient and impressive beautifying treatment by calling Pacific Medispa & Regenerative Medicine.

Hair Loss Treatment Q & A

What causes hair loss?

People lose an average of 100 hairs daily, but if you’re losing considerable and excessive amounts of hair, it could be because of several factors, such as family history and hormonal changes.


Alopecia is a medical condition that results in patchy hair loss and scalp infections.

Hormonal changes

Fluctuations in your hormone levels because of childbirth, pregnancy, menopause, or thyroid problems can also lead to hair loss.


The side effects of certain medications and drugs, such as radiation therapy, can cause hair loss. 

No matter what’s causing your hair loss, Pacific Medispa & Regenerative Medicine has viable and personalized solutions for you.

What is platelet-rich plasma?

Pacific Medispa & Regenerative Medicine provides platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy to treat hair loss.

PRP refers to a concentrated preparation of platelets and the associated growth factors that are present in a small volume of plasma. 

The platelets in human blood release a multitude of growth factors and other molecules that are especially responsive to tissue injury. The growth factors initiate and promote the conditions for healing and cell regeneration and restoring hair growth.   

How does PRP work for hair restoration?

For hair restoration, microneedling is intelligently combined with platelet-rich plasma to stimulate your hair growth in a more natural way, simply and conveniently in-office.

Your provider takes a sample of your own blood from your arm and runs it through a special machine (centrifuge) to separate and concentrate the platelets, so they’re much richer. 

Your provider carefully injects this effective platelet solution into specific areas on your scalp at the level of the hair follicles with a strategic microneedling process. Your provider spreads the injections across your scalp at approximately every half inch over the area of thinning hair. The entire PRP hair restoration process typically only takes around 20 minutes. 

Microneedling is an aesthetic treatment that tricks your skin into thinking it’s been injured. The micro-wounds induce cell regeneration and collagen and elastin production. Combining microneedling with PRP accelerates your body’s natural healing process even further. 

Microneedling combined with PRP triggers natural hair growth and enhances the blood supply to your hair follicles, effectively boosting the thickness of your hair shaft. PRP is safe and uses your own blood, so your body won’t reject it.

Learn more about this quality treatment for hair loss, and call Pacific Medispa & Regenerative Medicine.